If you have been hurt at work due poor office safety, we can help you claim compensation
Many people don't realise how dangerous offices can be, especially when compared to other workplaces such as construction sites and factories. But office accidents are common, and can cause long-lasting injuries with severe impacts on your life.
When you spend every working day in the same office it's normal to feel safe and comfortable, almost like you do in your own home. This makes an injury at work even more shocking and difficult to cope with.
You may feel like your injury was your own fault, but all employers have a ‘duty of care' to make sure you and your colleagues are safe at work.
Your employer should follow strict health and safety rules. These rules include providing you with the correct training and equipment to help you avoid injuries such as repetitive strain injury, as well as taking actions to remove hazards which could cause slips, trips and falls.
For more information or to find out whether you can make an office injury claim, get in touch with our personal injury advisors on 0800 376 0150 for a free, confidential chat.
Office compensation can help with your recovery
Unfortunately, most types of office injuries will have caused you to take time off work while you recover. If you've received reduced pay during this time, then you may have felt rushed to go back to work, or you may have had to find a new job altogether.
Your compensation will take into account any lost earnings caused by your injury, as well as any other expenses such as medication, physiotherapy, travel costs and accommodation.
Your solicitor will also consider your pain and suffering, the effects on your social life and hobbies, as well as any other impacts your injury has had on you and your family.
Making a compensation claim for an office injury which was caused by someone else's negligence can help you pay for your recovery, and can take away the financial pressure so you can concentrate on getting things back to normal.
Jason Nicholls from St Albans claimed following a work accident
The whole claim process was as good as gold and I received a settlement of £7,000
Jason Nicholls from St Albans claimed following a work accident
The whole claim process was as good as gold and I received a settlement of £7,000
Jason Nicholls from St Albans claimed following a work accident
The whole claim process was as good as gold and I received a settlement of £7,000
Jason Nicholls from St Albans claimed following a work accident
The whole claim process was as good as gold and I received a settlement of £7,000
Jason Nicholls from St Albans claimed following a work accident
The whole claim process was as good as gold and I received a settlement of £7,000
Claiming against your employer for an office accident
We know you may be feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed about making a claim against your employer, especially if you're also friends with them outside work.
But please don't worry, your employer won't pay your compensation personally so they won't be left with a bill they can't afford.
All employers are required to take out ‘employer's liability insurance' to cover the costs of any claims made against them, so your compensation will be paid by their insurance company.
Also, it would be illegal for your employer to dismiss you or treat you any differently because you made an office accident claim. If you were to lose your job because you claimed compensation against them, this would be ‘unfair dismissal', which is against the law.
Making a claim for an accident at work can help to highlight safety issues in the office, which your employer may not have realised before. It's likely changes will be made because of your claim, which could help to improve the safety of your workplace.
Types of office accident claims
Although it often seems unlikely you could have an accident in an office, there are a huge number of hazards which can cause you to become injured.
Below are some common causes of accidents in the workplace. If you haven't suffered from any of these types of injury, then please don't worry; It's still likely we can help you.
Slips, trips and falls
Slips, trips and falls in offices are often caused by untidy electrical cables, as well as files and other obstacles being left around the office.
Your employer should keep the floor clear from tripping hazards, should make sure wet floors are marked with a warning sign, and the building you work in is properly maintained for your safety.
Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
Repetitive strain injury is caused by repetitive movements which cause pain in the muscles, nerves and tendons, and is a common office injury.
To avoid repetitive strain injury, your employer should make sure your workstation is properly set up. This may include providing you with a comfortable chair, a working and adjustable monitor, as well as a proper keyboard and mouse.
Faulty equipment
Employers should make sure all equipment is maintained and safe for use, as faulty electrical equipment such as printers and computers can cause electric shocks.
Starting an office accident claim
We know it can often be difficult to tell who was at fault for an injury which happened in an office. We generally advise you may have a claim if:
- Your accident happened in the last three years
- It was someone else's fault
- You were injured as a result
We realise that some injuries (such as repetitive strain injury) occur over a long period of time. If this applies to you, then we'll take the date when you first realised you'd been injured.
The first step to making an office accident claim is to get in touch with our personal injury advisors for a free, confidential chat on 0800 376 0150. They'll be able to help you understand who was at fault for your injury, and can let you know whether they think you have a claim.
They'll also be happy to answer any questions you may have, in a confidential and pressure-free environment.
As part of our promise to you, we'll never push you into making a claim. But if you do decide to go ahead, we can pass you on to one of our specialist solicitors on the same call for a further free consultation.