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A positive attitude can help boost your recovery

We know that after an injury, recovery can sometimes be a long and difficult process. You may have suffered broken bones after a slip, trip or fall at work, or you may be suffering from whiplash after being in a road accident.

Whatever your injury, you should always follow your medical professional's advice when recovering. We're here to help you get access to justice and get you back on your feet financially.

There's plenty of injury recovery advice out there to help you get back on your feet as soon as possible. Some things to bear in mind:

  • Seek medical treatment as soon as possible - Your doctor is the best person to advise you on how to make the most effective injury recovery and will make sure that your injuries are treated correctly. Don't hesitate to contact them if you have any problems or questions about your recovery
  • Don't suffer in silence - according to the NHS, some people who are recovering from an injury suffer bouts of anxiety or other psychological problems. It's important to get the right help early on and if necessary, your doctor can refer you to a trained professional
  • Don't return to work until you feel completely ready - returning to work too early can hinder your recovery or even make the situation worse
  • Try to take a positive approach to your recovery - According to the American Association for Applied Sport Psychology, positive thinking can help boost your overall injury recovery time

Download our guide to looking after your mind after an injury:

Going back to work after you've suffered an injury can be daunting. You might feel out of the loop after a long time off recovering from an injury, or you may be concerned about how your colleagues will treat you.

While returning to work can be difficult, here are some tips you can follow to help make your return to work as straightforward as possible:

  • While you're recovering from your injury, check in with your boss from time to time. Keeping in touch not only shows you are still committed to your job, it also helps you find out any changes that are being made and will give you a chance to address any fears you might have about your position
  • A ‘phased' return to work can ensure you don't take on too much. Working one or two days a week at first can help you settle back into your routine without too much pressure
  • On re-entry into the business, keep your supervisor properly informed about your state of health. This way they'll be able to make appropriate adjustments to your environment to aid your mobility and injury recovery

Remember: your skills, personal qualities and experience got you the job in the first place and they haven't gone away just because you've had an accident. Be confident in the value you'll continue to provide to your employer.

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There are a number of changes you can make to your lifestyle that will help you recover from existing injuries faster or even prevent injuries from occurring in the first place.

During whiplash recovery, for example, exercises and mobilisation can be important factors in your recovery. The NHS Live Well website advises that 150 minutes of exercise each week can help improve your overall health greatly.