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A highly experienced HR professional, Marcus' job is all about managing the great talent that makes our business tick.


With over 20 years' international experience in senior HR positions for UPS in Australia and Everest a little closer to home, Marcus joined our group in 2016. He's a firm believer that intelligent investment in people pays significant cultural and financial dividends in business.


Educated in Australia and a graduate of Southern Cross University in New South Wales, Marcus is dedicated to employee engagement and recognition.

A Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Professional Development (FCIPD) and an accredited DDI Management Trainer, he understands that they key to attracting and keeping top talent is to create an exceptionally supportive working culture. He has delivered exactly that for our group of businesses.

Marcus's role:

Marcus leads our employee strategies. He ensures that our business values are consistently embedded in our recruitment and development processes across our group.

Proving the point, Marcus recently delivered Gold Standard Investors in People (IIP) status for our consumer personal injury division. He also secured our recognition in the Sunday Times as one of the UK's Top 100 Best Small Companies To Work For.

Outside the office:

Marcus's Aussie heritage unsurprisingly means his spare time revolves around the outdoors. A keen water skier, scuba diver and gardener, he's also a dab hand on the BBQ.

Professional qualifications: