Why make an ankle injury compensation claim?
Ankle injuries happen when the ankle joint is twisted too far out of its normal position. We know how easily they can happen too. Common ankle injuries from something as simple as an uneven pavement or a slip or trip can seriously limit your mobility.
There are seven bones and eight important ligaments in your ankle joint. Damage to any of them can be very painful and take months or even years to heal properly. We understand how much of an impact this can have on your independence, stopping you from being able to go about your everyday life.
An ankle injury may mean you have to take time off work, which can add financial discomfort to a situation that is already a painful worry. We know how hard this can be to cope with and how frustrating it is, especially if the injury happened because of someone else's negligence.
If your accident happened in the last three years, we may be able to help you to make a no win no feeankle injury compensation claim. It'll help to take some of the stress out of your situation so that you can concentrate on your recovery.
You can call our friendly advisors on for a confidential chat and to find out whether we think you're eligible to make a claim.
When you contact us, there's no obligation to claim and your phone call is free. Alternatively, you can fill in our online form to arrange a call back.
What are the circumstances where I might be able to claim ankle injury compensation?
What are the circumstances where I might be able to claim ankle injury compensation?
Ankle injuries are amongst the commonest injuries and can happen in pretty much any situation where someone's been hurt in an accident. On the road, after a slip, trip or fall somewhere public, at work or in a sporting incident.
They can also be caused in cases of medical negligence. This is when by act or omission in treatment or surgery, a doctor, nurse, surgeon or other type of healthcare practitioner damages your ankle joint - or inflames an existing ankle condition.
At their worst, for instance after a serious fall from height, a bad crash or a major burn, ankle trauma can leave you unable to walk properly. Psychological and physical recovery is often long and difficult, especially if you need a prosthetic foot following amputation.
You may be unable to return to work or do your normal job and that can mean lost income and opportunity - not just now, but in the future too. It can also have a major effect on family members who may be caring for you.
Even a minor ankle sprain and strain injury can make it tricky to live your life normally - a break or fracture more so, especially if you're older. Depending on how serious the damage, soft tissue injuries to the ankle can take several weeks or longer to heal properly. Ankle injury settlement amounts in successful injury claims will vary depending on their severity. Your ankle injury compensation solicitor will value your claim accurately for you if you decide to go ahead.
Did you know?
People often confuse sprains and strains. An ankle sprain is an acute injury to the connective tissue between the bones of the joint. It's usually very painful, involving swelling, bruising of the foot and can take weeks to heal.
An ankle strain is a simple injury to a muscle in the joint or to the tissue that connects that muscle to bone. A strain will usually heal quickly with rest and gentle exercise.
Source: Sprains and strains, The Mayo Clinic, 2020
Who's responsible for my ankle injury?
Who's responsible for my ankle injury?
The owners of public places such as councils, shops, pubs, restaurants and other similar businesses have a responsibility to keep you safe. Legally, this is called their duty of care. If they've failed to follow the proper safety regulations and you've been injured, then they've broken the law and you may be able to make a claim.
This also applies to employers, who have a duty of care to make sure you can do your job safely. This includes providing you with the correct training and safety equipment. If they don't comply with general health and safety regulations such as The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and you've been injured, then it's likely you could make a claim.
No matter what the cause, if you've received an ankle injury in the last three years and it wasn't your fault, then there's a good chance we'll be able to help you get the compensation you deserve. You can find out if we think you have a claim by giving us a call on .
What counts as a serious ankle injury?
What counts as a serious ankle injury?
Unfortunately, ankle injuries can sometimes be severe which can lead to a long recovery time and can have potentially life changing consequences for both you and your family.
We know that at the time of an accident all injuries can seem serious, shocking and upsetting. During your recovery it's a common thing to wonder how serious your ankle injury has been.
It's likely you have suffered a serious or life changing ankle injury if you've experienced any of the below:
- Lengthy, repeated or ongoing medical treatment.
- Significant time off work.
- Prolonged or permanent time off sports and spare time activities.
- Any care or support from family or friends, even if given for free.
Receiving compensation can help to take some of the stress out of your situation so that you can focus on your recovery without having to worry about the financial impact. It can also support you as you deal with the life altering consequences of suffering a serious injury such as a broken bone, severe burn or amputation.
When you feel ready to talk about what happened, you can call our friendly advisors on for free advice. They'll be able to let you know whether they think you're eligible to claim and can answer any questions you may have.
The help and advice we offer is completely free and confidential, and there's no obligation to make a claim. So if you'd just like someone to talk to about your accident, we're ready to listen.
Types of ankle injuries people commonly suffer
There are three main types of ankle injury:
A sprain is where the ligaments in your ankle are damaged because they're stretched beyond their normal range of motion, typically by applied force and impact.
Sprains typically fall into three classifications or grades, which are used to identify their severity.
- Grade one is considered the least serious type of sprain and usually means that your joint has suffered little or no instability.
- Grade two and three are the more serious types of ankle sprains, with grade three classified as the most serious.
- Grade three sprains are often used to describe a full ligament tear, an injury that usually requires surgery and significant recovery time.
Strains are when the muscles and tendons are damaged as a result of being pulled or stretched too far.
Tendons attach muscles to bones so that the ankle and foot can move but, as with sprains, when your ankle is forced to move outside of its normal range of motion this can cause damage.
Both strains and sprains can be extremely painful, causing the ankle to become stiff and swollen. This can stop you from being able to walk for a time, making it difficult to carry on with your life, such as work, family routines, driving or sports.
Fractures and breaks occur where one or more of the bones in the ankle joint are broken. Fractures are often extremely painful and usually cause swelling and bruising.
As there are many different types of fractures and the symptoms are often similar to the symptoms of sprains and strains, it's very important to be examined by a doctor so that they can diagnose your type of ankle injury, and give you the treatment you need for your specific injury.
How much compensation could I be entitled to?
How much compensation could I be entitled to?
The amount of compensation you could receive depends on the types of ankle injuries suffered. For example, if you've suffered a severe injury which has had a serious impact on your life then you're likely to receive more compensation.
Any lost earnings, medical expenses and additional costs such as adaptations to your home or even transportation costs will be taken into account in the amount of compensation you receive.
To get an estimate of the amount you may be able to claim, you can use our industry leading ankle injury compensation calculator. Our calculator will ask you some simple questions about your injury and will then tell you the approximate ankle injury settlement amounts available. This figure is based on other people who have made claims for injuries similar to yours.To find out whether you're eligible to claim you can contact our friendly, personal injury advisors on . When you call us there's no obligation to claim, so if you'd just like free advice or someone to talk to, we're always willing to listen.

Kevin's Story
Kevin turned his ankle on a curb due to incorrect lighting from his employer. This caused an ankle fracture, a lengthy recovery and financial strain.
When Kevin spoke to us we were able to put him in contact with a specialist, no win no fee solicitor who handled his case from start to finish.
What are the time limits if I want to claim for common types of ankle injuries?
What are the time limits if I want to claim for common types of ankle injuries?
To qualify for making any no win no fee ankle injury compensation claim, you must have been injured within the last three years. The accident must also have been wholly or partially the fault of someone else.
- If you were 18 or over when the injury occurred, you have three years to make a personal injury claim from the accident date.
- If you were under 18 at the time and no claim was made, you have three years from your 18th until your 21st birthday to claim.
There are exceptions to the three-year limitation, for instance if the claimant has experienced such severe injury they can't make the claim themselves or if they lack the psychological capability to do so.
If you've got any questions about making a no win no fee compensation claim, contact us for free and impartial advice on . We'll listen to what you've been through and let you know if we think you could make a no win no fee claim.
Alternatively, you can try our eligibility verifierwhich asks some simple questions about your experience and will let you know whether we think you may be able to make an ankle injury compensation claim.
It's important to add that we'll never rush or pressure you. We're here to give you impartial and free no win no fee compensation advice so you can decide what to do next.
How do I start a claim for ankle injury compensation?
How do I start a claim for ankle injury compensation?
The first step to making an ankle injury claim is to contact us on . All of our advisors go through an intensive training programme so they'll be able to give you the best advice possible.
We understand how difficult it can be to talk about an accident. That's why during your call with us we'll do everything we can to make sure you feel comfortable.
We'll ask for some details about your injury and accident, but if there's anything you can't remember or don't feel happy talking about at this stage, then you can let us know at any time and we won't push you any further.
We let you know whether we think you're eligible to make a compensation claim during your call with us. If you're happy to proceed and give us your permission, we'll then transfer you to one of our expert solicitors, usually on the same call.
Your solicitor will make sure that you're completely comfortable and fully informed about the claims process before starting your claim. They'll answer any questions you have about making a claim with them and your no win no fee agreement and once your claim has started they'll be your point of contact until you receive your compensation.
At National Accident Helpline, our aim is to help people like you to get back to normality after suffering from common ankle injuries. We aim to take the stress out of making a claim, so that you can focus on your recovery without having to worry about the legal process or financial pressure.

Meet Joanne Evers - she's one of our expert, claims advisors here at National Accident Law.
Like all of our friendly and professional team members, Joanne has great listening skills and her legal training means she can quickly understand with your experience and work out if you may be eligible to make a claim for common types of ankle injuries.
How much is the average settlement for an ankle ligament claim or a broken ankle claim?
How much is the average settlement for an ankle ligament claim or a broken ankle claim?
We realise that if you've suffered an injury, you'll be focused on your recovery. With over years_since years' experience helping people with all types of personal injury claim, we've seen the difference ankle injury compensation can make.
It's not possible to give you an accurate idea of how much ankle injury compensation you might receive in a successful claim until your solicitor has investigated all the details.
When working on your case, your specialist solicitor will consider any impacts or expenses your ankle injury has caused you and your family. This is so that you're fully compensated for your pain and suffering and so you can pay for your rehabilitation and recovery.
To get an estimate of the amount of ankle injury compensation you may be owed, try our compensation calculator. It'll give you an estimated figure of how much compensation you could receive.
Your ankle injury compensation
No two cases are the same and so ankle injury settlement amounts vary. We look at each case on an individual basis so we can decide the best way to help you and who's the most suitable solicitor for your claim.
Because of this, we can't tell you exactly how much you may receive in a sprained ankle compensation payout, for example, but you can get an estimate by using our ankle injury compensation calculator.
We'll work hard to make sure you get the full amount of compensation you're owed. Your solicitor will take anything caused by your injury into consideration when putting together your back injury claim.
For example, they'll take into account:
- Any medical treatment, medications costs, adaptations made to your home.
- Any care you've received, even if given for free by a family member.
- Lost earnings due to time off work.
- The effect your injury has had on your social life and hobbies.
- The wider effects on your family.
Your compensation can't take away what you've been through, but it really can help you get as much of your independence back as possible.
The official compensation claim guidelines for all types of ankle injuries
The Judicial College is a department of the Ministry of Justice. One task it has is to set the guideline amounts for general damages. These damages cover pain, suffering and loss of amenity that can be awarded in all types of personal injury claim.
Below are some examples of the latest compensation award ranges for common ankle injuries. If you've suffered any financial losses (for instance loss of income), these will be added to your award if your claim succeeds.
Type of injury | Range of general damages |
Ankle injury recovering completely or with minor symptoms | Up to £10,690 |
Ankle injury causing some permanent symptoms | £12,900 - £24,950 |
Severe ankle injury causing permanent walking problems | £29,380 - £46,980 |
Very severe and rare ankle injury | £46,980 - £65,420 |
Loss of one foot | £78,800 - £102,890 |
Loss of both feet | £158,970 - £189,110 |
Frequently asked questions...
No you can't - UK employment law protects you from any disciplinary action if you make a claim. Employers are legally bound to have employer's liability insurance to cover negligent injury to staff. In a successful ankle injury compensation claim, the insurance company providing the cover will pay back injury compensation, not the employer. That ensures no-one faces a bill they can't afford.
Yes - if they're under 18, you'll need to make the claim on their behalf. This is called being a litigation friend, a role normally performed by a parent, guardian or other officially-responsible adult. You can also act as a litigation friend if your loved one has been so seriously hurt that they are physically or psychologically unable to claim on their own.
Yes, of course. Our helpline, our own law firm, the law firms we work with around the country and all insurers are operating as pretty much as normal with many people working securely from home. There may be some minor delays - for example if your ankle injury compensation claim needs a court hearing. However, much of the work is carried out by phone, email and using the government's internet claims system anyway, so things are as close to business as usual as they can be.
Contact us first and we'll check your grounds to claim and then connect you with one of our specialist solicitors if you want to proceed.
How do I pay my solicitor when claiming for common types of ankle injuries?
How do I pay my solicitor when claiming for common types of ankle injuries?
You do this with a no win no fee arrangement, also known as a conditional fee agreement. It's the contract between you and your no win no fee specialist ankle injury claims solicitor.
There are no upfront costs or hidden charges but if you win the claim, you'll be asked to pay any costs and expenses, not paid for by the other side, out of your compensation. This is likely to happen in most cases, as the other side is only required to make a contribution to your legal fees.
These costs will only be deducted when your compensation is paid, and may include:
- A ‘success fee' which compensates the solicitor for the risk they take, as if your claim is unsuccessful they won't be paid at all.
- Any other legal costs or expenses not recovered from the other side, such as the costs of any legal expense insurance.
When you start your claim, your solicitor will take out legal insurance protection on your behalf. This is sometimes called ATE (After The Event) insurance. If your claim is unsuccessful, then the other party's costs will be paid out of this insurance.
If you don't receive any compensation, then you won't have to pay for the ATE insurance. If your claim is successful, then it'll be paid out of your compensation as part of the fees.
Your solicitor will discuss this with you at the start, so you'll know what to expect when your claim settles. If you don't win your no win no fee claim, you pay nothing to anyone.
Why choose National Accident Helpline?
About our solicitors
When you're looking for a personal injury company to help you make your claim, you might be worried about the credibility of the solicitors you'll work with. With us, you're in safe hands.
We work with a national panel of personal injury solicitors who we carefully choose based on specialisms - this means you'll get the legal representation you need for the best chance of making a successful claim.
As well as working on a no win no fee basis, our solicitors will also protect you from upfront costs and no win no fee hidden charges. Our no win no fee charges guarantee means you won't have to pay anything before starting your claim.
To find out whether you could claim, or for advice and answers to your questions, contact us free on to talk to one of our friendly, personal injury advisors.
Is National Accident Helpline a claims management company?
Is National Accident Helpline a claims management company?
No, we aren't. National Accident Helpline is an independent personal injury advice brand owned by legal practice National Accident Law. We are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), the independent professional ethics and standards regulator that licences all solicitors across England and Wales. Our SRA registration number is 655606.
Claims management companies are overseen by a different regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). CMCs do not have their own law practices. We advise on personal injury claims as part of National Accident Law. We also work with a national network of specialist law firms who we choose carefully and check closely to make sure you receive an outstanding customer experience.

There are all types of ankle injuries - they happen all time and in just about any scenario you can think of - from slipping off a damaged kerb to road accident injury or after a fall at work. What they all have in common is they can reduce your mobility, sometimes drastically, and even your ability to work.
It's our job to build the strongest case we can and deliver the result you deserve - while you concentrate on recovery.