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Early preventative training can help to reduce accidents at work

Workplace accidents can happen in many different ways. It's often new employees that are involved in workplace accidents because they are not aware of the dangers involved with the job.

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The training employee's need will obviously depend on the industry and occupation they work in. For example, the training needed to prevent workplace accidents in the construction industry is very different to the training employers who operate in an office environment will need to provide.

In the construction industry, all new employees should receive a full induction as soon as possible after starting on a new site. You should also receive specialised training for any specific and specialised equipment you use in your role. For example, if you are required to operate a forklift truck then you should receive the correct training to be able to do so.

Protective equipment also plays a big part in preventing workplace accidents on a construction site. Again the equipment needed will vary, but may include a high-visibility vest, steel toe-capped boots or protective gloves. If you've been injured as a result of not being provided with the appropriate safety equipment, this could well amount to negligence, meaning you are eligible to claim compensation for your injuries.

Another job that carries a relatively high risk of injury is working in a factory, although this was more the case in the past when health and safety measures were not so strictly regulated. Preventative training in a factory could involve being shown how to lift heavy objects properly and how to stop machinery as quickly as possible in an emergency.

In the office environment, the risk of sustaining serious injury is smaller, but workplace accidents still happen. Often, these incidents could have been avoided by the employer taking the correct health and safety precautions and providing appropriate training. Preventative training in the office environment may also involve an induction, during which employees are made aware of potential hazards such as changes in floor level, or given instructions on how to use electrical equipment in the office safely.

Clearly some roles carry more risk of injury than others, but workplace accidents can occur in any job and preventative training is vital in avoiding unnecessary injuries.

For most people, the main barrier to claiming compensation is the worry that they could lose their job or get treated badly by their employer. In fact, it's illegal for your employer to sack you or treat you differently after making a claim. Visit Is my Job at Risk? for more information.

Andrew Greenwood advises on whether you should make a claim against your employer.

Andrew Greenwood advises on whether you should make a claim against your employer.

Andrew Greenwood advises on whether you should make a claim against your employer.

All employers have a duty of care towards their employees, and are required by law to take preventative steps to ensure their environment is safe for everyone and the risk of an accident at work is minimal. If they fail to comply with Health and Safety laws and you have an accident as a result, then you may have grounds to make a claim for compensation.

Making a compensation claim can help recover the costs of any treatment for any injury resulting from an accident at work. It will also help draw attention to the cause of the accident and help prevent others from having to endure a similar experience.