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We're here to help you after an internal injury

Internal injuries are often very serious and can be life threatening. If you've suffered from this type of injury, then we're sorry. We know how traumatic and frightening it can be, and it can take a long time to recover.

You may have had to undergo surgery or spend a long period of time in hospital as a result of your injury, and this can be lonely and isolating. We know that it can sometimes feel like you'll never get things back to how they were.

Aside from being physically and emotionally painful for both you and your family, your injury is also likely to have had stressful financial implications.

The cost of having to take time off work while you recover, as well as additional expenses such as medication or medical treatment, can have a serious impact on your financial situation. You may even be left struggling to pay the bills or your mortgage.

We know that your main focus at this time is on your recovery. Compensation can't take away the fact that you've been injured, but it can help to cover the costs of your injury, as well as the pain and suffering you and your family have had to go through.

We're here to guide you through the process of making a claim, keeping things as simple and stress free as possible and by finding you a specialist solicitor to suit your particular case.

To find out whether you have a claim, you can get in touch with our friendly, personal injury advisors on 0800 376 0150. We offer free, confidential advice with no pressure or obligations.

We realise that suffering from internal damage can be a terrifying experience. It can also stop you from being able to carry on with your everyday life, and this can affect your job, earnings, social life and family.

Any impact or costs your injury has had on your life will be taken into account by your solicitor when calculating the amount of compensation owed to you. Below are some examples of the costs compensation could help to cover:

  • Lost earnings from taking time off work, now and into the future
  • The impact on your future employment opportunities
  • Any medical treatment, medication or rehabilitation costs
  • Care, even if given for free by friends and family
  • Travel costs
  • The impact on your social life and hobbies
  • Your pain and suffering, and the effect it has had on the rest of your family

Although we can't tell you exactly how much compensation you may be owed, you can visit our compensation calculator which can give you a guideline figure based on other cases similar to yours.

If you'd like free, helpful advice about compensation, you can call us on 0800 376 0150.

To start your claim, you can get in touch with our personal injury advisors on 0800 376 0150. Alternatively, if you'd prefer us to call you back you can fill in our simple form and we'll get back to you, usually within 30 minutes during our normal opening hours.

We realise that you may feel uncomfortable talking about your accident and injury, but you can be sure that our advisors will do everything they can to put you at ease during your call with us.

They'll ask you some questions about your experience to get a clearer picture of what happened and so that they can let you know whether they think you're eligible to make a claim.

There's absolutely no obligation to continue with your claim, but if you do decide you'd like to go ahead, we can pass the details on to one of our specialist solicitors. We'll put you in touch with them during the same call.

Your solicitor will give you a free legal consultation, and will make sure you know exactly what to expect before proceeding. They'll then work hard to get you the compensation you deserve for your injury by negotiating with the other party and keeping you informed with progress.

There are a number of different types of internal injury, most of which can be very painful and dangerous. We would usually consider an internal damage to be a serious injury.

Internal injuries can be split into two main categories:

  • Penetrating trauma - This is where an object has punctured the skin and caused internal damage
  • Blunt trauma - This is where internal damage is caused by a sudden impact or collision

Below, we've listed some examples of common internal injuries. If your experience isn't listed below, then don't worry. If your accident happened in the last three years and wasn't your fault, then it's likely that we can help.

Abdominal aorta aneurysm

Abdominal aorta aneurysm is often caused when the stomach is compressed. This can happen in a road traffic accident when there is a sudden impact on the stomach. The compression causes the aorta to become ruptured. Unfortunately, this type of injury is often fatal.


Pneumothorax is where a broken rib punctures the lung and causes the lung to collapse. This can cause sudden pain and can make it difficult to breathe. Pneumothorax will usually require surgery.

Internal bleeding

Internal bleeding happens when blood vessels are damaged and can't repair themselves. This type of injury can be very serious and if left untreated it can cause cardiac arrest.

Internal bleeding in the brain can sometimes lead brain damage and have lasting impacts on your life. Find out more about brain injuries.

Ruptured spleen

A ruptured spleen is usually caused by an impact to the left side of the body. This type of internal injury often requires surgery to either remove or repair the spleen, and can sometimes have longer term impacts on your health.

Organ injury

Any collision or impact can cause damage to the organs. This could cause internal bleeding or failure of that organ.

Internal injuries are usually caused by any accident where there is a sudden impact or when a vehicle suddenly stops. They can also be caused when an object penetrates the skin deeply and causes damage internally.

Below are some examples of accidents which may cause internal injuries:

To find out whether you're eligible to make a claim, you can get in touch with our friendly advisors on 0800 376 0150 for free advice with no obligation to start a claim.

Medical negligence

All medical professionals have a duty of care. Although rare, sometimes doctors and surgeons fail to uphold this duty of care, and this can often cause misdiagnosis, delayed treatment or medical mistakes which can have life-changing impacts for you.

It's important that you're treated as soon as possible for your internal injury, as if there's a delay then this can cause further complications. It's also essential that you receive the correct care and treatment so that you can make a proper recovery.

If you've suffered from an internal injury due to a medical mistake or medical negligence, then you may be able to claim compensation for the effects it has had on your life.

Unfortunately, internal injuries can sometimes be fatal. If you've lost a loved one, then we're sorry. We know how difficult it can be to lose someone close to you.

We also realise that the death of a family member can cause financial strain due to funeral arrangements, legal fees and other costs. You may also have been dependent on your loved one for income.

We know that money is probably the last thing on your mind at such a difficult time, but claiming compensation on behalf of your loved one can help to remove some of the financial pressure.