About your medical assessment
We understand the idea of a medical assessment might not be very appealing. As a result of your injury, you may have already spent some time in a hospital. You may even be claiming due to medical negligence.
When you attend one of our free medical assessments, you have nothing to worry about. All assessments are carried out by General Medical Council registered doctors. They typically last just 20 minutes.
Why do I need a medical assessment?
Your medical assessment will provide us with the opportunity to source evidence of your injury. This will support your claim, along with any other medical records relating to your injury. Your medical assessment can therefore help you claim the full amount of compensation you deserve.
Our medical assessments are free and organised by your solicitor during your claim. They're also completely confidential and your information is only passed on with your permission.
What's involved in a medical assessment?
Typically, your medical assessment will last around 20 minutes. We use this as a guideline time. It can sometimes take up to an hour for our assessors to fully evaluate your injuries.
If your appointment does last longer than 20 minutes, this is nothing to worry about. Every case is different and the doctor will spend the extra time evaluating your injuries as thoroughly as they need to.
There are four stages to your free medical assessment, beginning with arranging your free assessment. Your solicitor will be on hand to guide you through the process and answer any questions you have.
Stage 1: Your solicitor arranges a free assessment for you
After you've started your claim with us, your solicitor will organise your medical assessment. They will aim to arrange your medical assessment at a clinic or treatment centre which is local to you.
The details of your appointment are sent to you by post. Your appointment details will include the address, time, doctor's name and address of your appointment. Your appointment letter will also provide a written explanation of what to expect during your medical assessment.
Stage 2: With your permission, your doctor reviews your medical records
Next, we'll ask you to sign a document which gives permission to the doctor to review your medical records. They will only review your records if you agree.
It is completely normal for your doctor to ask for access to your medical records. This simply allows them to fully assess your case and medical history.
Stage 3: You attend your medical assessment
Stage three is your medical assessment itself, which will usually take place at a local private health clinic or physiotherapist treatment centre.
Once you arrive, your doctor will take a medical history, asking you questions about your injury and any past medical conditions.
We understand that reliving your injury might be distressing, but we encourage people to be as clear as possible. The doctor will only ask what they feel is relevant to your injury.
The assessment process and the report compiled by the doctor are completely confidential. None of the information on your medical assessment is shared without your permission.
The examination can last anywhere between 20 minutes and an hour, depending on your injuries.
Remember that the medical assessment is designed to help your solicitor get information about your injuries that will help with your compensation claim.
During the examination, you won't be asked to undress unless the nature of your injury requires you to do so.
If you have any questions, you can ask your doctor or contact your solicitor, who will be on hand to guide you through the medical assessment and claims process.
What happens after my medical assessment?
Once your solicitor has received your medical assessment, your claim will continue.
Your medical assessment will be used as evidence of your injury and recovery.
At this point in your compensation claim, your solicitor will be able to advise you on the next steps and update you on your claim.
During your claim, your solicitor will negotiate on your behalf. As a result of the medical assessment, they will have a much better understanding of the compensation you deserve.
We recommend contacting your solicitor firm with any questions after your medical assessment. You might also want to read our step by step guide on the claims process.
Stage 4: A written medical report is produced, based on your assessment
The final stage of the medical assessment is complete when your doctor has compiled your medical report.
For your solicitor to be able to view this information, they will need your permission.
The report will detail your injury and treatment. It will also detail the prognosis - that is, the doctor's opinion on how long it will take you to recover and the nature of your recovery.
Your solicitor will send you a copy of the report, once they have received it. They do this so you can check it is accurate and look at any further recommended treatment or rehabilitation your doctor has suggested.