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Mistakes made by your pharmacy can be costly in more ways than one. If you have suffered as a result of negligence, we can help you get the pharmacy malpractice settlement you may be entitled to.

Who are pharmacists & what do they do?

The term ‘pharmacist' usually refers to healthcare professionals who dispense prescription medications and give advice on over-the-counter remedies. In the case of the NHS, they may be present in hospitals or in community pharmacies. Pharmacists may also work for pharmaceutical or food and drink companies in areas including research, development and quality assurance.

Pharmacists are responsible for the quality of medicines supplied to patients, ensuring that what they are prescribing is lawful and that prescriptions are suitable for the patients receiving them. Crucially, they are also duty bound to advise patients on the medicines they are to take, including how to take them, any adverse side effects that may occur and answering clinical queries asked of them. Pharmacists must have an obsessive attention to detail, as the decisions that they make affect human lives and wellbeing.

A wrong decision, for example dispensing, administering or prescribing the incorrect medicine, can lead to health complications and unnecessary suffering for a patient. If this has happened to you, then try not to worry. We understand what you are going through and have over years_since years' experience seeking and winning pharmacy malpractice settlements for our clients, so are on hand to help. Give your personal injury advisor team a call today for free on . They will be able to offer support and, crucially, tell you if you have grounds for making a pharmacy claim.

Can pharmacists make mistakes?

Pharmacists are humans like the rest of us, so pharmacy mistakes can happen. But as rigorously trained healthcare professionals, the correct processes and procedures are thoroughly taught to the point where prescribing and advising on the correct medicines at the correct time becomes second nature. This does mean that the number of mistakes made are thankfully low in relation to the millions of daily patient / pharmacist interactions, but they can happen. And when they do happen, they can have serious consequences for those on the receiving end. 

If pharmacists have failed in their duty of care to you through wrong, accidental or substandard practice, you may be entitled to make a no win no fee pharmacy malpractice claim. And we are here to offer essential support and advice, not to mention a network of specialist pharmacy negligence lawyers who will aim to get you the compensation that you deserve. Give us a call for free on or request a call back for a time that suits you for some friendly, expert advice on your potential claim.

What might constitute negligence by a pharmacist?

Pharmacy negligence refers to an error made by a pharmacist or pharmacy technician. Typically, these errors involve the prescribing of medicines, either on the instruction of a doctor or an over-the-counter remedy. These may include mixing up prescriptions and giving them to the wrong person, prescribing an incorrect dosage or giving a patient incorrect information on a particular medication.

Perhaps they misplaced your medical records, meaning delays in getting essential medicines to you. Or improper storage and maintenance of medicines has resulted in them not working as they should, prolonging or worsening your condition. 

In any case, pharmacy negligence or malpractice is defined as an error that has taken place in a pharmacy that causes health complications for the patient. 

Pharmacies are obliged to keep a record of all medications dispensed, as well as to intervene when they believe a mistake has been made. This means that if you have suffered as a result of pharmacy malpractice, then you will have a strong bank of evidence to provide to our pharmacy negligence lawyers in order for them to settle a no win no fee claim on your behalf.

It all starts with a free phone call to our friendly team of pharmacy negligence experts on , who can advise you as to whether or not you have a claim. We understand what you're going through, and are ready and waiting to help you.

What are the different types of pharmacy negligence?

There are several different definitions of pharmacy negligence. If you have suffered as a result of any of the following, then we may be able to help you start a journey towards getting a pharmacy malpractice settlement

Prescription errors

Receiving an incorrect prescription or faulty instructions on how to take your medication can have devastating consequences. If you felt more unwell after taking medication than you did before, or have needed to seek medical attention as a result of a medication prescribed to you by a pharmacist, then you may be entitled to make a pharmacy negligence claim under the category of prescription error.

Thankfully, our healthcare professionals provide an excellent standard of care in pharmacies 99% of the time. But with over a billion prescriptions being given out in England and Wales every year, mistakes can happen. One wrong decision in a pharmacy environment can result in injury, illness or even death.

Errors committed when prescribing medication can include:

  • Giving or advising the wrong medication
  • Providing the wrong dosage
  • Giving an incorrect medication due to misdiagnosis
  • Failing to warn a patient as to a medication's side effects
  • Offering incorrect information on how to take a medication.

If a pharmacist writes a handwritten note on some medication and it is ineligible, the patient may take an overdose. Children may receive medication meant for adults, and in some cases a system error may mean that a repeat prescription is provided when it is not necessary, leading to adverse side effects. For example, sleeping tablets prescribed unnecessarily can lead to physical injury. 

If any of the above sounds familiar, either for you, a friend or loved one, then get in touch on or even start your claim online and we will do all we can to help put a pharmacy mistake right.

Dispensing the wrong type of drug

A pharmacy dispensing error occurs when instructions on a written prescription are not followed through by the pharmacy during the dispensing process. An error could happen as a result of any of the following:

  • A dose or item error. For example, the wrong medication is chosen, or the wrong quantity provided.
  • A labelling error. In this case, the medication is correct, but the label is wrong.
  • An issue error. A medication may be prescribed to the wrong patient.
  • A documentation error. The prescription is given correctly, to the correct person, but is not correctly documented. This can lead to mistakes with future prescriptions.

An error that occurs at one or more of the above steps can cause unnecessary suffering and illness. Our team of medical malpractice specialists are here to listen to and support you, for free. Find out if you have a no win no fee pharmacy claim today by giving us a call on .

Dispensing an incorrect dosage

A pharmacist providing the wrong dosage can be problematic for a number of reasons. Firstly, prescribing too little medication can mean that your condition may not improve as quickly as required, or at all, prolonging pain, suffering and potential damage to your body. Conversely, too much medication can lead to an overdose and everything that goes with it, for example nausea, fainting, or even death. 

Various medications interact in different ways with other substances, for example alcohol, so taking the wrong dosage when instructed to do so by a pharmacist can have dangerous consequences. 

If you were prescribed or given the incorrect dosage by a pharmacist, you may have grounds to make a no win no fee claim on the grounds of pharmacy malpractice. Find out if you could make a claim for free by speaking to our friendly and knowledgeable team today.

Miscommunication on dosage

Much like an incorrect dosage being given, when a pharmacist incorrectly communicates the amount of a medication that should be taken, the patient will inadvertently take a dosage that may cause them harm. This could be the case if too much or too little is taken. Too much, and the risks associated with overdoses - nausea, kidney damage, fainting, even death - start to present themselves. Too little, and the effects of a particular condition may be lengthened, worsened or not addressed at all.

Clear and correct communication, for instance clear and eligible writing on a dosage label, plus confirmation with the patient that they understand how much medication is to be taken, is crucial in ensuring that pharmacy malpractice lawsuits are avoided. However, should you feel that you have been the victim of miscommunication that resulted in you taking too much or too little of a given medication, then get in touch with us. The NHS and its healthcare providers have a program of insurance in place so that should you decide to pursue a claim against a pharmacy, any compensation paid to you will be from their insurers and not the NHS itself.

What's more, if your claim is not successful then you won't pay a penny. We understand what you are going through, and with over years_since years of pharmacy malpractice experience we are well qualified to help you get the outcome that you're looking for. Speak to us today for free advice and support, and to find out if you can make a no win no fee misdiagnosis claim.

Failure to store medication correctly

Medications that aren't stored properly run the risk of not working as intended. You rely on prescriptions, or over-the-counter remedies that are recommended to you by a pharmacist, to relieve pain and to overcome particular conditions. Exposure to light, humidity or extreme temperatures can render both prescription and over-the-counter far less effective than normal. In some cases, it can lead to them becoming toxic. It's also possible that a pharmacy error has led to medication being stored past its sell by date, again resulting in the lessening of its strength.

Failures to store medication correctly in the ways described above may prolong or worsen your condition. In a worst case scenario, it could introduce other problems requiring further medication - not to mention time, expense and suffering. But it doesn't have to be this way. Our UK-wide network of pharmacy solicitors has helped thousands of people win their pharmacy malpractice settlements and get the compensation required to pay for additional medication, time off work or any pain and suffering caused. Speak to our friendly and compassionate team for free on to find out if you have the grounds to make a no win no fee claim.

Loss of medical records

Going to the pharmacy to pick up your medication only to be told that your medical records have been misplaced, could be the difference between a condition improving or getting worse. Although this type of pharmacy mistake is rare, owing to the computerisation of medical records, outages and technical problems do happen. Indeed, in 2012 around 5000 medical records a day were lost by the NHS. 

Throughout the course of your care, it's probable that you may interact with many different healthcare professionals, with each requiring consistent documentation to ensure that your symptoms are understood and that you get the correct medication. They'll also need to be aware of any side effects you may have suffered in the past, something that will be recorded on your medical records. 

A loss of data creates a hole that means a patient may not receive the right care. And whether this has happened to you in either a private or NHS setting, we have the knowledge and knowhow to help you make a successful pharmacy error claim and get the compensation to put things right. If you have been let down by either a human or data-led error, we are here to help and support you. You don't have to suffer in silence, give the team a call for free today on .

Failure to advise on side effects of treatments

It is imperative that the side effects of a given treatment are communicated clearly to recipients. In most cases, side effects from taking medicines range from non-existent to very mild. However, different people react in different ways to various substances and stronger prescription medication can have dangerous consequences if taken without the side effects being fully known. Even everyday over-the-counter remedies such as paracetamol can interact with other substances to produce harmful side effects, so it's important that your pharmacist communicates this to you at the time of dispensing.

In very rare cases prescription medicines can produce adverse reactions including anaphylaxis, exacerbation of asthma, or kidney problems. Should you have gone through trauma or unnecessary pain as a result of taking a medication whose side effects were not clearly communicated, then you have every right to claim compensation. We have over years_since years of experience fighting all kinds of pharmacy negligence cases. If we don't succeed for you, you won't pay a penny. It's as simple as that. 

How common are pharmacy errors?

he British Medical Journal estimates that more than 237 million medication errors are made every year in England. This costs the NHS over £98 million and, crucially, claims 1700 lives in any given year. As healthcare needs become more and more complex and new medicines are rolled out for new and emerging conditions, medication errors in pharmacies are unfortunately becoming more common.

Over half of these errors occur at the point of administration, whereas 20% are made during the prescription of medicine. Dispensing accounts for 16%. Care homes see a high percentage of the total number of errors at 42%, and around 20% of mistakes come under the setting of hospital pharmacy error. Pharmacists operate in all of these settings.

It is therefore clear that errors can happen at multiple stages of the healthcare chain. Thankfully, almost three quarters of all errors are classed as minor. However, even a tiny percentage of errors determined to result in ‘moderate' or ‘serious' harm translates as a large number overall.

Even if your experience has been a relatively minor one, a quick phone call to the National Accident Helpline's pharmacy malpractice team on will let you know if you have grounds to go ahead with a no win no fee claim.

How can pharmacy negligence happen?

There are several different ways that pharmacy negligence can take place, resulting in unneeded pain or the prolonging of a condition. Human error, for example mishandling or mixing up a prescription, can be a cause. Conversely, a computer error within the pharmacy can lead to mistakes being made. Being given the wrong medication (or the wrong dose), provided with inadequate information as to the side effects or receiving medication when it is not actually required, could all result in harm being done.

Very busy pharmacies, working with a large number of patients on a daily basis, are breeding grounds for human error. Overworked and tired pharmacists can get prescriptions mixed up, and if a recipient is elderly, hard of hearing or with poor eyesight, they may inadvertently take medication that is not meant for them. If you or a loved one has experienced a UK pharmacy dispensing error such as this, or had your medical records misplaced resulting in medication not getting to you when needed, we may be able to help.

How can you protect yourself from pharmacy errors?

We trust pharmacists to provide a duty of care to us when interacting with them, just as with all other healthcare professionals. Pharmacists are humans like the rest of us, and therefore susceptible to making mistakes. Double checking your prescription before leaving the pharmacy is a key way to prevent an error from becoming problematic. Ask questions, have things repeated to you if necessary and, if you or a loved one find yourself in a care home setting, double check what it is you are being given, as medications are often given in small, unmarked plastic cups.

  • Be sure to check the medication you are given against the prescription note from your doctor, to ensure that they match
  • Ensure it is your name printed on the medication packaging
  • Ask your pharmacist as to any side effects, how to store the medication, what dosage to take and when
  • Provide your doctor or GP with feedback as you take the medication, so a note of any adverse reactions can be made
  • Double check if you can combine the prescribed medication with any others that you are already taking.

Taking these simple steps could be the difference between your condition improving, worsening or a new adverse reaction developing. Even doing all of the above still doesn't mean that you are immune from issues such as lost medical records, or incorrect information being provided by your pharmacist. If you took these precautions and still found yourself on the receiving end of pharmacy negligence, then we can help make a claim for compensation on your behalf.

You won't pay a penny unless your case is successful, and our advice is always free and supportive. A friendly member of the team will be available to chat and listen during office hours 7 days a week on .

What could happen if a pharmacist makes a mistake?

Whilst the majority of pharmacist mistakes result in minor ailments not healing as fast as they would otherwise, or some unpleasant side effects from taking too much of a given medicine, the consequences can be more severe.

Anaphylactic shock, kidney damage or even death can occur as a result of taking the wrong prescription, if you have a serious enough reaction to a drug not meant for you.

And then there is the financial consideration associated with pharmacy errors. If the situation got serious, it's quite possible that you or a loved one would need to have paid money for corrective medication. You may have racked up expensive medical bills if hospital visits were required, or needed to take time off work to recover from any negative effects resulting from pharmacy negligence, resulting in lost earnings. Thankfully, National Accident Helpline can assist you in claiming that money back and then some, with no fees should your case not be successful.

Speak to our friendly team about your experiences. They're here to listen and support you, and to let you know if you have a case to claim a pharmacy malpractice settlement.

Can I claim compensation for pharmacy mistakes or medication errors?

It is right to feel aggrieved if you have suffered unnecessarily as the result of a mistake by a pharmacy. If you are able to prove that the medical professional(s) in question failed to adequately fulfil their duty of care to you, and that this failure caused you harm that was avoidable, then you have good grounds to start a no win no fee claim with us. We have over years_since years of experience successfully handling medication error claims, so you are in safe hands.

You'll need to be able to provide some evidence to support your pharmacy claim, to improve your chances of it being successful. Our specialist solicitors can help you access these documents as part of your case.

This evidence can include:

  • A statement of what happened and who was involved
  • Proof of the drugs prescribed versus the ones actually dispensed to you
  • Proof of any financial losses incurred as a result of injuries suffered
  • Witness statements
  • Photos to show any relevant damage

We understand that you may feel worried or nervous about making a claim for pharmacy malpractice compensation. However, as well as providing you with the financial reimbursement that you need, your claim will also serve to highlight errors that can be fixed for the future. This could then prevent the same mistake happening to someone else. 

The first step in finding out if you have a claim is to talk through your concerns with your personal injury advisor. They will listen to your experience before making a reliable call as to whether or not to progress your case for you. You can call us on , request a call back or even start your claim online today.

What can I claim compensation for?

The amount of compensation which our solicitors will seek on your behalf falls into two broad categories. These are general damages and special damages. The former covers compensation for the pain and suffering endured, whereas the latter describes costs incurred, both present and future. This can refer to medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, therapies, adjustments to your housing, caregiver salaries or a loss of income.

The types of injury that you can claim for under a pharmacy malpractice settlement case include (but are not limited) the following:

  • Severe toxicosis - Including acute pain, diarrhoea, fever, vomiting and / or hospital admission
  • Mild to serious poisoning - This could range from pain and cramps through to hospital admission and anything that has impacted upon your quality of life over a prolonged period of time

Our friendly, personal injury team will be able to let you know quickly if you are owed compensation for your suffering. If you have suffered as a result of somebody else's negligence, then we will do all in our power to help you get the payout required to get your life back on track.

How much could my pharmacy error compensation claim be worth?

Each pharmacy malpractice case is completely different, and therefore the amount your solicitor will claim for on your behalf will vary from the next person. With over years_since years of personal injury claims know-how, we are able to give you a good estimation of the amount you can expect to claim before you begin the process.

We have developed a compensation calculator which will give you an estimate as to the amount you can claim through a pharmacy malpractice settlement in just a few minutes. General damages - or the amount paid out for pain, suffering and loss of amenity - are dictated by Judicial College guidelines.

Pharmacy malpractice casesCompensation range
Severe toxicosis causing serious acute pain, vomiting,
diarrhoea, and fever, requiring hospital admission
£32,780 to £44,790 £36,060 to £49,270

Compensation Calculator

70% Complete

Compensation Calculator

We’ll calculate your compensation in a few minutes.

Is there a time limit for making a pharmacy negligence claim?

In accordance with the Limitation Act of 1980, you typically have three years to make a claim. This period is defined as the time from the day that the negligence occurred or when you first became aware of it. There are some exceptions to the three year rule:

  • In the case of children under the age of 18, the affected individual can make a claim from his or her 18th birthday, even if the negligence occurred many years previously. The time limitation will then run until the individual's 21st birthday.
  • Physically or mentally incapacitated individuals will be allowed time until they recover sufficiently to make a valid claim.

In either of these cases, we are more than happy to speak to a friend or loved one of the affected party, who is allowed to make claims on their behalf. This is what's known as a litigation friend. It may be that there's a language barrier to overcome and the friend or family member of the injured individual can communicate more effectively with us.

How long will my claim take?

The recovery process from medication errors in a pharmacy practice can be a long and potentially costly one, particularly if you require a stay in hospital. We understand that you might be nervous about how long it will take to get the compensation you need to make up for the time, money and suffering needlessly spent.

The amount of time your pharmacy malpractice claim will take to settle depends on several different factors, some of which we can help you with. Rest assured that we are here to help you, and will gladly support you through the entire claims process.

Firstly, having as much evidence as possible to provide to your solicitor will help to speed up the claims process. This includes written prescriptions, witness statements, key times and dates and any relevant photos you may have. Whether the other party accepts or denies liability will also play a part. The seriousness of your injuries and the amount of time it takes you to recover will of course play a part in when you can start the claim. Once you do, our expert solicitors will work hard to keep your case moving as quickly as possible and will keep you updated on its progress along the journey.

Once your claim has settled, your compensation will usually be paid to you quite quickly, normally within 2 weeks to a month. And rest assured that should you require it, your solicitor can arrange an ‘interim payment' of compensation to be paid before your case has settled, helping you to pay for any immediate costs required.

Reach out to our team for a free and friendly chat on , during which they will tell you if you have a claim, how much you might be able to claim for, and how long it may take, based on the evidence you are able to provide.

Frequently asked questions...

Around 95% of our cases are settled without the need to go to court. This means there is a very small chance a claim will require a court hearing.

If your case does go to court, your solicitor will be on hand to support and guide you through the process and will make sure you always know what to expect.

Yes, you can. If they're under 18, you'll need to make the claim on their behalf. This is called being a litigation friend as is usually done by a parent, guardian or other responsible adult. You can also act as a litigation friend if your loved one has been so seriously injured that they are unable to make the claim themselves.

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Meet the team

Craig Farmer

Craig Farmer

Operations Team Manager

An experienced Personal Injury Advisor and manager, Craig is responsible for one of our legal support advice teams.

Can I make a no win no fee pharmacy negligence claim?

There are three ways to find out if you could make a no win no fee pharmacy negligence claim with National Accident Helpline. Not every case will be eligible, but we promise you that you'll know exactly where you stand right from the start.

First of all, by calling us for free on , your personal injury team will be able to tell you if you can make a no win no fee claim. After this, you'll be in a position to be able to make an informed decision about whether to progress your case, and we'll never pressure you into claiming or rush you into a wrong decision.

The second way to find out if you have a claim is to use our free online claims checker. Based on your answers to some simple questions, it will give you a clearer idea as to whether or not you can claim.

Or you can see if you can start you claim online today with our claim online tool.

No win no fee is a risk free way of making a pharmacy malpractice claim. Quite simply, it means that if you don't win, you don't pay a penny, and there's no upfront costs. If we advise that you should proceed with your case, it usually means we think you have a high chance of it succeeding. We enable the no win no fee process by taking out insurance to cover the costs of your claim, allowing us to pay solicitors fees on your behalf even if your case is not successful. Find out more about no win no fee as a concept here, and then get in touch to speak to us for free and to discuss next steps on .

What should I consider when appointing a pharmacy negligence solicitor?

Our network of specialist lawyers spans the whole of the UK. This means that we will do our utmost to place you with the best solicitor for your unique case, both in terms of their experience and their location.

When appointing a pharmacy negligence solicitor you should ask questions about their experience in relation to your specific injury and suffering. Most importantly, you have the final say as to whether or not a particular individual is assigned to your case. We will always put forward a selection of the most suitable candidates for you to choose from.

Before anything is progressed, we will confirm with you the percentage of your compensation that you will pay in legal fees should your claim be successful. This amount will not change, meaning no hidden surprises. And until then, you won't pay a penny. If your claim is unsuccessful, you won't pay anything either. When appointing a solicitor, always be sure to confirm any fees before going ahead, and ask them for advice on how long you think a claim may take. We will spell out both of these items clearly to you when appointing a solicitor from National Accident Helpline's nationwide network.

How do I start my pharmacy malpractice claim with National Accident Helpline?

The first step in the process  is to get in touch with us for free on . Your call with us will be completely free - you're under no obligation to make a pharmacy claim.

We'll listen to everything you say and will be happy to answer all your questions. We'll also try to get a better understanding of what happened and the effects it has had on your life. This is so we can let you know whether we think you can make a claim.

If you decide you'd like to take the next steps, we can pass you on to one of our no win no fee solicitors. We'll put you in touch with the best individual suited to your individual case, choosing from a large cross-country network of legal professionals.

Your solicitor will then get in touch with the other party and negotiate on your behalf. They'll consider the full effects of your injury and do everything they can to make sure you receive the full amount you're owed.

Get in touch with us for free to start the process today, by calling or you can request a call back at a time that best suits you. We are here to help and support you.

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