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Results: 6

/ by /Infographics, News

Check out our infographic to make sure you're up to speed on gas safety in the home.

/ by /Infographics, News

If you've recently passed your driving test you probably can't wait to get out on the open road, but before you get behind the wheel, are you sure you've got everything you need?

/ by /Infographics, News

Young drivers are one of the most vulnerable groups of motorists you'll encounter when out on the road – and also the fastest growing – with 470,000 17-24 year olds passing their driving tests in the...

Incidents of personal injury can have significant knock-on effects on the sufferer's colleagues in the workplace, as our Real Cost of Personal Injury report reveals this week.

/ by /Infographics, News

Here at National Accident Helpline we're well known for supporting the underdog. In this infographic we take a look at some well-known singing underdogs who've made it big despite being pipped at the...

Today marks Action for Mesothelioma Day and the UK's largest personal injury claims company, National Accident Helpline, is urging people who think they may have been affected to seek help and support...