Our 2015 Creating Waves competition sought bright minds who wanted to get involved in the advertising profession.
The competition invited budding creatives and marketing students to submit a script for a 30-second radio commercial, focused on our campaign to Stop Nuisance Calls.
Our lucky winner, Michael Kettles, had the chance to script a real-life 30-second radio ad, travel to MediaCityUK in Salford to hear it recorded in a professional radio studio and have the finished advert played out on local radio.
You can read more about our Creating Waves initiative, and enter Creating Waves 2016, on the main Creating Waves page.
Congratulations to Michael, and also to our seven shortlisted entrants below.
What is Stop Nuisance Calls?
National Accident Helpline has a firm stance against the practices of cold calling, spam texting or spam emailing. We only help genuine claimants, and we never contact consumers or members of the public unless they give us their permission to do so.
Creating Waves 2015 Winner

Michael Kettles, 35, from Huddersfield
The University of Huddersfield's Michael Kettles was the overall winner of our 2015 Creating Waves initiative.
Michael, an Advertising Design graduate from the University of Huddersfield, says: "Winning Creating Waves 2015 has been great for my CV.
“My script combined a range of nuisance calls into one ridiculous message. It then ended with a clear statement that National Accident Helpline can help people to put an end to receiving these annoying calls."
Creating Waves 2015 Finalists

Ricky Santos, 28, from the Isle of Wight
Ricky studied Scriptwriting for Film and Television at Bournemouth University. He says: “My script used a variety of different people in order to provide the ‘voices' of the population. From teens with mobile phones to the elderly in the comfort of their own homes, cold calling affects us all.
“I felt this helped to add understanding and empathy to the script, rather than lecturing the audience. Using a specific, recognisable daily event - such as dinner time - helps to make it relatable to all. The wider the audience demographic, the more successful the Stop Nuisance Calls campaign will be.”

Hardeep Dhadda, 23, from Coventry
Hardeep studied Media & Communication at Birmingham City University. She says: "The script I entered was inspired by my own experiences with nuisance calls. I wanted to make it honest and as relatable as possible for listeners.”

Kezia Davis, 20, from Rainford, Merseyside
Kezia was studying for a BA in TV and Radio at the University of Salford. She says: "My idea was to have a couple in bed disturbed by the telephone. When it's answered, it's a cold call. After slamming the phone down, they decide that they need to do something about all the calls they get.”

Willow Topp, 23, from Tintern, Wales
Willow studied at the University of South Wales. She says of her script idea: "Nobody is safe from the persistence of cold-callers: not even on radio."

Joe Berridge Beale, 21, from Brixton, London
Joe studied English and Creative Writing at Plymouth University. He says of his script: "Nigel, a telemarketer, cold calls Evie three times. Evie becomes frustrated at the incessant calls, and National Accident Helpline's Stop Nuisance Calls campaign is offered as a solution to her problem."

Nathan King, 21, from Sunderland
Nathan studied Advertising at the University of Sunderland. He says: "How many things do you miss while answering these calls - that's time you cannot get back. I made it personal with the aim of winning hearts and minds through my words."

Daniel Seamarks, 20, from Bedford
Daniel studied Marketing at Bournemouth University. He says: "I wanted to keep the script simple, but with a big impact. A build-up of voices and tension in the script shows just how annoying cold calls can be."