Hi George, what you have been busy doing since we last caught up?
Since 2016 I've completed the LPC and a training contract at Ropes & Gray in London.
I'm now an associate in the Tax team in Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner in London.
Why did you originally decide to enter Future Legal Mind?
I thought the essay subject was an interesting one, and because I enjoy writing I was confident I could do well.
How has being Highly Commended in the competition helped you so far?
Being a finalist was extremely helpful to me when applying for training contracts, to the point where I may not have been offered one without it.
In terms of the future, I will always have it on my CV when applying for jobs.
What would you say to law students and trainees who are thinking of entering this year?
Definitely enter if you have enough time. Even if you don't end up winning a prize, you will learn a lot in the process and can include it on your CV.
Do you have any tips for those who are starting work on their essay?
Engaging your reader makes the difference more than anything else in a competition like this. Of course, good research is essential but you have to write in an interesting manner.
What is your plan for your next steps in law?
At the moment I just want to build up as much experience and knowledge of corporate tax as I can.
In a few years I'll step back and evaluate in what direction I want my career to go.
What would you recommend to aspiring lawyers to get themselves noticed?
Entering prizes and competitions like Future Legal Mind is always a great way to stand out, even if you aren't ultimately successful.
If you can show that you're prepared to go further than other candidates it will hold you in good stead.