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13 Feb, 2024/ by National Accident Helpline /News

What are the most dangerous jobs?

There are many dangerous jobs that UK workers do. However, have you ever wondered what are the most dangerous jobs? We take a look at some here.

The most dangerous job you can do outside, is working as a firefighter. A firefighter is the most dangerous outside job in the UK because:

  • of the risk of injury or death due to working with  fire
  • firefighters may have problems hearing due to the noise level around them at work
  • there is a high risk developing asthma
  • firefighters are likely to suffer from mental health issues due to the traumatic work they carry out

The most dangerous kind of job in the UK, however, is a paramedic. The nature of a paramedic job means they run the risk of:

  • contracting disease when treating patients
  • being assaulted

There are work industries which are more dangerous than others in the UK. The most dangerous industry to work in is the construction industry. This is because workers in the construction industry are at risk of:

  • falling from heights
  • injuries from the use of dangerous tools
  • injuries and ill health from hazardous materials

The most dangerous job in the construction industry is working in roofing and other high-rise construction work.

There are also other dangerous jobs in the UK such as working as an electrician and working as a:

  • mining engineer
  • wind turbine technicians
  • tunnelling engineer
  • workers in the agriculture industry
  • workers in the commercial fishing industry
  • tree surgeon
  • scaffolder
  • electrician
  • plumber
  • HGV driver
  • police officer

Some dangerous jobs are jobs you wouldn't expect to be dangerous. For example, the work of hairdressers and beauticians. In these UK jobs, there is a high rate of accidents and injuries at work. For example:

  • cuts
  • burns
  • sprains
  • broken bones.

How common are workplace injuries?

Unfortunately, workplace injuries are common when people carry their jobs in the UK.  561,000 workers suffered a non-fatal injury at work in 2022/23 and a massive 1.8 million workers reported that their illness was either a result of their work or their work caused it to get worse. 

The industries where workers reported work-related ill health in 2022/23 were:

  • social work and human health work
  • working in the public administration and defence
  • work in the education sector

In terms of workers sustaining an injury in 2022/23, workers reported more injuries in the following ministries:

  • agriculture, fishing and forestry
  • accommodation and food services
  • construction
  • working in wholesale, retail trade and this includes  motor vehicle repair

UK's most dangerous jobs fatality rates

Working in a dangerous job does not just increase your risk of injury or ill health, but also the risk of death. Some jobs are so dangerous that work-related injuries can be fatal. Over 2022/23, 135 workers in the UK died due to work-related accidents. These work-related deaths included:

  • construction industry with 45 deaths
  • agriculture, forestry and fishing with 21 deaths
  • manufacturing industry with 15 deaths
  • wholesale, retail, motor repair, accommodation and food with 15 deaths
  • transport and storage with 15 deaths

The other work-related injuries which resulted in deaths in 2022/23 occurred in other industries including admin and support service and waste and recycling. 

There are types of accidents at work which are so dangerous that they cause fatalities. Over 2022/23 these included:

  • 40 deaths from falls from a height
  • 29 deaths due to being struck by a moving object
  • 20 deaths because of being struck in a moving vehicle
  • 12 deaths by being trapped by something collapsing or overturning
  • 9 deaths due to contact with moving machinery

Do dangerous jobs pay more?

So as there seem to be specific jobs and industries where jobs are more dangerous in the UK, does the wage pay reflect that it is a dangerous job? Unfortunately not. Some of the most dangerous jobs have a lower paid salary than the UK average job salary which is £30,982. For example:

  • agricultural workers
  • farm workers

These workers' average salary is just £23,867 per year yet these jobs have the highest death rate out of the lowest-paid dangerous jobs. Other dangerous jobs where wages are less than the current UK average are:

  • transport and storage
  • manufacturing
  • admin and support services

Some dangerous jobs are higher paid than these low-paid dangerous ones. Out of the most dangerous jobs in the UK in terms of the higher paid ones, the most fatal is working as an offshore oil platform worker. If you work in this dangerous job, the average yearly salary is £33,900. Risks of a workplace accident in this job include:

  • fires
  • explosions
  • falls

Also, the Southwest Side of the UK is the area with the most fatal workplace accidents in the UK. 

What is the highest-paying job in the UK?

Working in dangerous jobs where workplace accidents and injuries are common means working in poorly paid jobs. Some UK work industries, however,  are well paid but not the most dangerous ones.

The highest-paying job in the UK is working as a Chief Executive and senior official/ are the highest-paid job type in the UK. In April 2023, they were paid an average salary of approximately £84,131. 

The top-paying industry in the UK is the financial and insurance industries. The median annual earnings for full-time employees is £43,821. 

How to claim for lost earnings after an accident at work

You may be able to make an accident at work claim if you have had an accident at work and this includes if it was an accident resulting from working in a dangerous job. Making a compensation claim includes claiming for lost earnings. When you claim for an accident at work, your compensation is made up of general damages and special damages. These take many considerations into account including:

  • loss of earnings 
  • impact on the ability to work

We appreciate the impact an accident at work can have on your life and therefore, want to help you understand if you are able to make a claim.

At National Accident Helpline, we have a simple claim process. You can even calculate your potential compensation online using our compensation calculator. 

The first part of our claims process is to speak to one of our friendly and helpful telephone advisors. They will ask you how your accident at work happened and then, if eligible, pass your claim to one of our expert accident-at-work solicitors who will complete your claim. They will work with you to get you the compensation you deserve.  

If you have suffered an injury or accident at work, you may be able to make your compensation claim with us on a no-win no-fee basis. This means that when you make a no win no fee claim with us your personal injury lawyer will take out insurance on your behalf that will cover all your claim costs and expenses including medical report fees, court fees and any barrister fees; so long as you comply with their terms and conditions, you won't have to pay any costs upfront, and there are no hidden surprises.

Start your work accident claim today

If you have an accident or suffer an injury in the workplace, you may be owed compensation. At National Accident Helpline we fully appreciate that an accident at work can have a significant impact on your overall life and we want to help you.

Have you been a victim of an accident in the workplace? Then call us today on . You can also request a call back here or simply begin your claim online.

Last updated 13.02.24

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