02 Apr, 2014/ by National Accident Helpline /Company Announcements, News
Our recent New Beginnings reward, run on the official National Accident Helpline Facebook page, invited members of the public to nominate someone who'd had a tough year in 2013 to win £250 Superbreak.com vouchers and a £250 charity donation on their behalf. People were asked to share the story of the person they were nominating to let us know why that person deserved a new beginning in 2014.
We were overwhelmed with almost 150 nominations and touched by the stories we received. We heard about some really inspirational people who had dealt with difficult situations with extreme courage and determination. At National Accident Helpline, we're all about helping people through the hard times and the challenging experience of having to overcome injury or disease.
Speaking about the New Beginnings reward, our consumer director Beth Powell said:
I think it's fantastic that so many people are excited about nominating their friends, family and loved ones to win prizes like this. We were touched not just by the number of nominations we received, but also how bravely the people who were nominated have faced up to the problems they've experienced.
Craig and Jenette Henry

Craig was nominated by his daughter Jenette after going through an immensely difficult year in 2013. Craig sadly lost his childhood sweetheart and wife of 30 years to breast cancer, and Jenette told us how he bravely looked after her, her two sisters and his three grandchildren following the death of his wife, describing him as an "absolute rock" during that time.
Jenette also told us that her dad hadn't been on holiday in over 10 years, so it was our absolute pleasure to pick him as our reward winner and present him with £250 of Superbreak.com vouchers. For nominating her father, Jenette won £250 of vouchers of her own which she selflessly gave to her dad to say thank you for his fantastic support last year. Craig and Jenette also wanted to thank Macmillan Cancer Support for their help, so we made a £250 donation to the charity on their behalf.
Commenting on our Facebook page about his story, Craig said:
I could not get through this if it wasn't for the family I have. Together we are a strong family and I am forever grateful to my wife for making us this way. She made us what we are.