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17 Aug, 2023/ by National Accident Helpline /News

If an accident feels wrong, a claim can help put things right

If you have unfortunately suffered a personal injury you will probably get an instinctive feeling whether you have been injured through no fault of your own, but of someone else. If you, therefore, make a personal injury claim, it could help to put things right. 

Each year, many personal injury victims fail to make a personal injury claim, leaving millions of pounds unclaimed. However, if you could be owed money for something that feels wrong, you should claim it. Insurance is in place for a reason and it's there to pay out for the compensation the liable party owes you.

It gives a sense of justice being done

When you make a personal injury claim, it can give you a sense of justice being served after the upsetting and unfair personal injury you have suffered. This is a very good and fair reason to make a compensation claim for your personal injury when you were not to blame for the accident. 

It is only right that the party who caused your personal injury compensates you for your suffering. Getting personal injury compensation may cause the other person to learn a lesson from causing your accident, and also encourage others who have had a similar experience. 

Compensation can cover ‘out-of-pocket' expenses and losses

To accommodate your personal injury you may have had to pay out for expenses and incurred losses as a result. If you make a personal injury compensation claim, as it aims to put you back as best as possible to how things were before your personal injury, it can recover the money you spent on these expenses and the money you lost.  

You are likely to have lost money through loss of earnings as you were forced to take time off work, yet you still have to pay daily living expenses and bills. Compensation can help cover your out-of-pocket expenses and losses. 

Pay for care, support and treatment

An important reason why you should make a personal injury claim is to pay for the care, support and treatment which you require as a result of the personal injury. Compensation can help to cover extra costs required for these new needs.

You perhaps need care and support to help you, for example:

  • washing
  • dressing
  • preparing meals
  • carrying our household chores
  • balancing childcare
  • rehabilitation

Feel compensated for changes to your everyday life

When you make a personal injury claim it can compensate you for changes to your everyday life. This is because a personal injury compensation claim is based on your personal circumstances for your personal injury, and the compensation is based on what you should receive. 

You may have suffered painful injuries and had to stop your enjoyable activities, such as leisure hobbies, and they may have even stopped you from doing your day-to-day tasks, such as simply going shopping.. You want to be compensated for these everyday life changes

Use your compensation for required vehicle or home changes

When you suffer a personal injury you will want to still be able to get on with your life. However, to do so you may need to make changes to your vehicle or home to adjust to the effects the injury has had. Making a personal injury claim can help pay for these changes for you. 

There are many home changes compensation can pay for, such as:

  • accessible bathroom
  • fitting a stairlift
  • installing handrails
  • installing ramps

Pay for any travel expenses incurred due to your injuries

A personal injury compensation claim can also help to recover costs to pay for travel expenses that you now have to cover for medical appointments as a result of your personal injury. When you attend hospital appointments, for example, or physiotherapy sessions you may also have to bear accommodation costs, which a personal injury claim can cover for you. 

Get answers about your accident…and even an apology

Personal injury compensation solicitors will investigate what caused your personal injury, get answers about what went wrong and potentially get you an apology from the other side, something which may mean more to you than you realise.

In addition, when someone realises that their wrongful behaviour has caused a personal injury, they can correct previously poor behaviour. This means that the personal injury suffered is less likely to happen again to another person

Think you could be entitled to make a claim?

If you believe that you could be entitled to claim compensation for a personal injury you have suffered, you must receive and enjoy the compensation that should be yours so should make a claim

The effects of accidents and injuries can turn your life upside down affecting both your work and your personal life. You may even be forced to make permanent changes to enable you to go about your daily tasks.  It is, therefore, essential that you get the compensation owed to you now.

Let us at National Accident Helpline help you make your personal injury claim. Call today or ask us to give you a call back here. If it is easier, you can always begin your claim online

Claiming with National Accident Helpline

Making a compensation claim for a personal injury with National Accident Helpline is completely stress-free.  We take pride in offering a claims process which is speedy and straightforward.  We even offer you a quick check on the amount of potential compensation which could reach your bank before you start your claim! You can do this by using our online compensation calculator. 

We are proud of our friendly and sympathetic advisors who will listen carefully and patiently to how you sustained your personal injury. They will get your compensation claim moving as fast as possible by passing it to our expert solicitors. Then all you have to do is sit back and wait for your claim to complete and your compensation to reach you. 

At National Accident Helpline, we offer a no-win no fee basis to enable you to make your personal injury compensation claim. This means you don't pay anything to make your claim, so if for any unlikely reason, it doesn't go through, you lose absolutely nothing.

If you have had the unfortunate experience of suffering a personal injury, you may be due personal injury compensation. So contact us today at to start your compensation claim. If you prefer, just ask us to call you back here or begin your claim online

Last updated 17.08.23

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