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06 Jun, 2023/ by National Accident Helpline /News

Construction and building site accident compensation helps you get back on track

It's not just your body that suffers from a construction work accident or building site injury; your work, life, and finances may all be impacted too. Failing to heal fully puts you at more risk of re-injury, but recovery takes time and money that construction workers often can't spare.   

Read on to find out how you could claim compensation to help recover expenses for the rehabilitation services and equipment you need.

What are the most common construction injuries? 

Accidents within the construction industry vary. Construction injury causes range from slips, trips, and falls to ground collapsing accidents. The most common accidents and injuries in construction work are: 

  • Slip or trips 
  • Ground collapses 

Any of these accidents at work can cause injuries ranging from minor to life-changing. The first step to recovery is getting the medical care that you need, and recommended treatment should not be ignored.  

Don't worry, we may be able to help you claim compensation to cover any necessary treatment costs so you don't have to compromise your health.   

How long does it take to heal from an injury?

Injury type, prior health, personal circumstances, treatment, and any complications that may arise during the healing process are all factors that affect the duration of your recovery. Some construction injuries may unfortunately have an everlasting impact. 

Early treatment and ongoing therapies will speed and maximise your recovery, no matter your injury. Various therapy types aid recovery and promote rehabilitation including, physiotherapy, physical therapy, speech and language therapy, and more. It's crucial to utilise treatment and therapy options as much and as soon as possible. Studies show that people who receive physiotherapy after two weeks of sustaining an injury often recover faster than those who wait or go without. 

If you have suffered a recent construction injury, we recommend seeking professional medical advice on treatment and care to aid your recovery as soon as possible.

How do injuries affect your life?

A construction injury can be devastating and your whole life can suffer as a result of an accident at work.  

You may be less physically capable, unable to do specific daily tasks that you used to - construction requires a lot of manual work and strength which are often depleted post-accident. You may suffer cognitively and find you're forgetful or struggle to solve work-related problems. You may find yourself unmotivated, stressing about money, suffering from anxiety, depression or PTSD, or struggling mentally.  

Your physical, cognitive, and mental health are drastically affected by injuries; this can be challenging to cope with for you as well as your family and loved ones. 

How can workplace injuries affect your family? 

Each aspect of your life is affected by a work injury including your family. Family sacrifices often need to be made after an extensive injury if you're experiencing financial instability due to time off of work.  

Sacrifices could include anything from cutting back on luxuries to stepping up as your temporary carer (or permanent in some cases). You may now require assistance from a spouse or loved one, which comes with mental challenges for all involved. Poor mental health can often make you distant, irritable, and disengaged; your relationships could begin to break down at home if not nurtured properly.  

When someone suffers an accident at work, even the strongest families struggle. If yours has been through any of these struggles, give us a call to talk through your accident and aftereffects - you may be owed compensation for psychological injuries as well as your accident. 

What are the three types of injury rehabilitation?

Different rehabilitation methods are more suitable for certain injuries than others. The three main types of injury rehabilitation are: 

Some people will require a combination of therapies or special equipment to promote maximum recovery, but physiotherapy is the most common requirement after a muscular or skeletal injury. Speak to your GP or medical professional about finding the most suitable service for you.  

How much does physiotherapy cost? 

Physiotherapy is a key rehabilitation treatment for bodily, muscular, or skeletal injuries. It helps flex and strengthen your body over time so you can get back to construction work, confident in your body's abilities.  

NHS physiotherapy referrals can provide some physio appointments (usually 2-6 in a course, but this varies) free of charge. The NHS has been struggling for the last few years so there are often longer wait times and fewer appointments available now than before the pandemic.  

Alternatively, you have the option to go private to a physiotherapist. According to Nuffield Health, physio appointments cost around £50-£60 and complete treatment courses range from £240 to £300.  

Can you do physiotherapy on yourself? 

Although there is expert advice and physiotherapy exercises online that you could follow, the videos and guidance aren't tailored to your situation. By trying physio on yourself, you risk making your injury worse from lacking knowledge and experience. You can do some physiotherapy to an extent on yourself at home provided you have done thorough research, and we recommend you have approval from your GP before starting.  

What is injury rehabilitation equipment? 

Injury rehabilitation equipments are machines and tools that can be used for exercises, physical support, and additional care functions. Equipment ranges within each therapy sector but can include walking sticks and canes, crutches, mobility walkers, grip strengtheners, or even items as simple as a mat to stretch on. Prices vary drastically depending on the piece of equipment with mats costing £5-£10 and mobility equipment ranging in the thousands.  

Rehabilitation equipment could be the difference between a successful recovery with less impact on your home life, and not fully healing and struggling in the process. Although it may be a large investment, you and your family deserve it. Plus we can help you claim against your employers' liability insurance to cover the costs in the long run.

Who pays compensation for accidents at work? 

Businesses require employers' liability insurance which provides essential cover for accidents at work resulting from employer negligence. By law, all employers (including construction employers) must have employers' liability insurance unless all employees are family members. They can be fined up to £2,500 daily if they fail to take out employers' liability insurance.   

If your claim is successful, your compensation will be paid by the insurance company. Your employer will not be left out of pocket. 

How to make a claim with National Accident Helpline.

You can start your claim by calling us on or claiming online today. This is the first step in the claim process where we will discuss your accident, injuries, and any damages/losses/expenses you have incurred. Our helpline advisors are friendly and knowledgeable; they'll give you the best start to your claim journey.  

At the end of the discussion, we will be able to see if you're eligible to claim. If successful, we'll transfer you to our trusted panel of work injury solicitors who will continue to handle your claim with their expertise.

Last updated 06.06.23

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