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06 Feb, 2023/ by National Accident Helpline /News

Claiming, simplified: Q&A with our Head of Customer Operations

As experts in personal injury claims, we do all we can to ensure you feel confident and clear about the claiming process, both when you're deciding if you think you could and would make a claim, and during any potential claim you make. 

With this in mind, we put a few questions to Lee Lucas, our Head of Customer Operations, to answer some of the most common questions about making a claim, to help you #ClaimWithConfidence.

First things first, what types of accidents can I claim for?

All types of accidents, especially if they weren't your fault, can have a big impact on your life. Not just because of any physical injuries you may suffer as a result, but also because of how they can affect your mental health, your work and your social life. 

This is why we help people with compensation claims for a variety of accident and negligence types, and have three decades' experience in doing so. Some of the most common claim types we handle are: 

Ok, so I think I could claim. How long do I have?

If you've been injured in an accident that wasn't your fault, I'd always recommend making a claim as soon as possible after the accident - or case of negligence - so that the details of it are still fresh in your mind. Having as much detail as possible will help us build your case. 

But, to give an official time frame, generally you have three years from the date of the incident to make your claim, though there are some exceptions. 

It is important to consider that there are different regulations based on age too: 

  • If you were over 18 at the time of your accident, you have three years from the date of the accident to make a personal injury claim for compensation 
  • If you were under 18 at the time of your accident, you have 3 years from your 18th birthday - until age 21 - to make a personal injury claim for compensation

How do I start a claim? Can I speak to someone?

You certainly can. My team of friendly, helpful advisors are ready and waiting to hear your story and help you begin your journey to claiming what you deserve. Simply give us a call, or alternatively you can request we call you back.

You could potentially begin your claim online too, if you wish to do so.

How long would my claim take?

This is a tricky one to answer. It is difficult to give an exact time scale for how long your claim may take, as every case is different. There are many factors involved, including how willing the other side are to provide what we need from them. 

You can always be assured, however, that everyone at National Accident Helpline, and the solicitors we work with, will work their hardest to get you what you deserve, as quickly as we can. This will of course require cooperation from you too, to help us along the way.

What will you need from me?

If you're worried about what you might need to do and provide for your claim, you might be pleased to hear that we, and the solicitor assigned to your case, will do the majority of the work involved. 

However, there are a couple of things you can do to assist us as we build your case and move towards getting you the compensation you deserve. Gathering evidence of your accident for example is very helpful - this could be photographs, witness names and any other details you feel may be important. 

You'll also need to take part in a free medical assessment, which will be used to support your claim and provide an understanding of your injuries and recovery.

Will you need me to go to court?

This is a common worry we hear from people who are considering making a claim. 

If you're one of those people too, you'll likely be relieved to hear that around 95% of compensation claims we take care of are settled without the need for anyone having to go to court. 

And for those cases that are part of the 5% that do require a court hearing, it is equally important to note that we're here to help make the process as stress-free and simple as possible. 

So yes, there is a small chance that you may need to go to court. But it is unlikely!

How much compensation could I win?

My answer to this one is similar to the one regarding how long a claim could take - it is difficult to say exactly. 

Every case is different. Injuries are more severe in some accidents than others, as is the impact they can have on someone's life. The circumstances surrounding accidents are unique too. 

With this in mind, we can't really provide a specific compensation amount you could expect for a claim. However, our handy online compensation calculator can give you an idea of the compensation you could claim. Alternatively of course you could speak with a member of our team to discuss your individual case for more information. 

Last updated 06.02.23

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